Meyer Foundation and IBM Italia together to support the genetic diagnosis of children’s neurological deseases

da | 7 Ago 2020

Meyer foundation and IBM Italia have presented a platform that can improve the quality of the analysis on children’s genome

and optimize the work flow in the laboratory. To reach the diagnosis of neurological diseases in shorter times and with more accuracy.

Meyer Foundation and IBM Italia’s software

A platform to support the genetic diagnosis of children’s neurological diseases

A solution that can improve the quality of the analysis on children’s genome and optimize the work flow in the laboratory.

And to reach the diagnosis of neurological in shorter times and with more accuracy. That is the result of the cooperation between Meyer Foundation and IBM Italia in order to help the little patients in Meyer’s pediatric hospital in Florence.

A platform developed by the Software Solution Lab of Rome for Meyer’s needs. It is born from the direct interaction between the operators of the Neurogenetic Laboratory. In particular, doctor Davide Mei, doctor Claudia Bianchini and the developers of the IBM team. IBM Italia gifted it to Meyer Foundations, which made it avaible to the hospital where it is used in the diagnosis of the patient followed by the Meyer’s Neuroscience Centre.


The software tracks the steps required in the management of the genomic analysis of neurological interests

. These are, in particular, complex tests. Which in most cases take place “step by step” and constitute the building blocks of a very complex process.

The solution, jointly promoted by the Meyer Foundation and the IBM Italia Foundation and based on the IBM Case Manager, allows accurate monitoring of the entire path of molecular investigations. And it facilitates continuous dialogue between the clinical component of Meyer’s Center of Neuroscience Excellence and the various professional figures in the Neurogenetics laboratory.

In particular, thanks to the software it is possible to trace a sort of dynamic and always updated “photograph” of the diagnostic path of the better part of more than 1000 children. That every year need the services of the laboratory to which they belong on the advice of the Meyer Center of Neuroscience Excellence. And many other Italian centers.

The comment of the two protagonists

Molecular genetic diagnostic investigations for neurological diseases, particularly complex in execution and interpretation, sometimes require relatively long times. And they may need cross-checks compared to other tests aimed at verifying other types of genome alterations performed with other technologies and, moreover, new information deriving from clinical evolution and family history. The best coordination of this process can now be carried out with greater speed and precision. Precisely using a platform tailored to our needs for integrated analysis with simultaneous access to more data. ” – explained Professor Renzo Guerrini, head of the Meyer Center of Neuroscience Excellence.

We are very proud of this collaboration with the Meyer Foundation which represents excellence in healthcare in our country.” – said Alessandra Santacroce, President of the IBM Italy Foundation. “The greatest satisfaction for us is that of being able to respond to a challenge in support of the work of doctors and researchers. Who have to deal with complex cases for the health of children. One more hope guaranteed by the combination of technology and human capital. In healthcare, in particular, the integration of information, enabled by technology in a responsible and scientific way, allows us to reach useful answers to manage people’s health. ”

The advantages and prospects

The implementation of the solution donated by the IBM Italia Foundation entails an overall improvement in the genetic diagnosis process of neurological diseases. Furthermore, with a significant impact in terms of improving the traceability of the analytical process, the management of clinical risk, the accuracy of the genomic analyzes carried out and finally in reducing the reporting times. All while respecting patient privacy.

Finally, the peculiarity of this software is that it is an open system. Able to adapt to the future needs required by a highly specialized laboratory. Like that of Neurogenetics at the AOU Meyer in Florence, directed by Dr. Elena Parrini.

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